How to Work From Home With A Baby
Now more than ever, dads are working from home. At the time of this writing, the world has been on lock down for the last sixth months to attempt to slow the spread of the Corona virus pandemic. However, even before the pandemic set in, technology was making it easier and easier for new fathers […]

8 Unusual Items that you Need on your Baby Registry
Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own. If you’re like me, you were not spending your time looking at baby items on Amazon before […]

How to Create a more Equitable Parenting Team
The Power of ‘I Got This’ Keeping parenting equitable is so important for new parents. I was recently getting my son’s bottle ready for bed when I noticed that the kitchen was a mess from dinner. My wife had worked hard to make us all a delicious meal and we had not gotten the chance […]

The Ultimate Power Of The Baby Sleep Schedule
Every new parent is universally dealing with one massive issue. They are extremely tired. Newborn babies wake up throughout the night to eat, and while it’s true that babies sleep quite a bit, the total reshuffling of new parents sleep schedule can lead to serious sleep deprivation. For many parents, this continues on through the […]

Postpartum Depression and What you Need to Know
Postpartum depression is a type of depression that one can get after the birth of their child. While it is more common in new mothers, fathers can also experience postpartum depression.