Hi, my name is Ryan Boddy and I’m the creator of Fatherhood Now. When my wife, Baylee, and I found out we were having our son Oliver, we were over the moon excited. However, before and after Ollie’s arrival, my wife was finding online resources in the form of “Mom blogs.” These blogs offered up the experiences and advice of moms around the world and helped us so much. I noticed that there were far less “Dad blogs” as it were. That’s when I decided to create Fatherhood Now.
Being a father isn’t easy. It’s not always fun (though often times it is). In a period where our generation is having far less kids than previous ones, I thought I’d create a place that wouldn’t only serve as a resource for new dads, but as a community to face challenges together. Fatherhood is one of the hardest, most rewarding journeys we’ll ever embark on. Fatherhood Now is a resource for modern fathers, facing modern challenges.
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